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Common portfolio of services of the national employment system


The Law 3 / 2023 , 28 february, regulates guaranteed services directly linked to the improvement and innovation in the heart of the employment policy. Its inspiring elements are focused on approach in favour of persons and companies. In this context that vocational guidance throughout working life, which require the successful people, are already occupied or in unemployment and also small and medium sized businesses. guaranteed Services that are well defined and assured funding.

Theroyal decree 438 / 2024 , 30 aprilPortfolio, regulates the joint services of the national employment System listing guaranteed services set out in title IV of the employment act, both those directed at individuals and businesses.

The services of the Common Portfolio of the national system of employment, consistent with international standards and constitutional distribution of competences of the spanish legal order, they must help the people to find suitable employment to their characteristics and the individuals and entities employers to hire women who work appropriate to their needs; to facilitate professional mobility and voluntary geographical to correct the imbalances between supply and demand; collecting and analysing the situation and developments in the labour market; linked with the unemployment protection subject to activity; and coordinate with the rest of active employment policies.

The Common Portfolio of services of the national employment System consists of guaranteed services guidance to the custom employment, comprehensive and inclusive; brokering, placement and advice to companies; training; advice to self-employment, entrepreneurship and energizing viable local economic development.

Public employment services to be incorporated into its service portfolios those complementary services and activities not covered by the portfolio.