Sede electrónica

Plenary Speakers

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” Henry Ford.

26th October

Xurxo Remuiñán Suárez


“Digitalisation in an unconnected Europe and the Digital Divide”

Xurxo Remuiñán Suárez is a Policy Officer in DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology in the European Commission, where he has been working on digital policies. Prior to the Commission, he spent seventeen years developing and implementing Information Technology and e-Government solutions in national, regional and international organizations. He holds Master degrees in public policy, business administration and telecom engineering from Princeton University, Escuela de Organización Industrial and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, respectively.

Carmen Menéndez González-Palenzuela

“Recovery Plan”

Carmen Menéndez González-Palenzuela has been working in the Spanish Public Employment Service (SEPE) for more than 30 years and is currently Deputy Director General of Active Employment Policies. Throughout her professional career she has always been closely linked to this area of active employment policies in close relationship with the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy in Spain. She has extensive experience in areas such as management responsibility in the management of the National Youth Guarantee System, EURES program, coordination with FUNDAE, support in the preparation of documents requested by the PES Network and its members in the field of Active Employment Policies and being also a participant as a member of the Board of Directors CEDEFOP, REFERNET National Authority, ACVT-DGVET COM, General Council of the SNE among others.

27th October

Laura Veza-Visan

How ESCO can support you achieve your professional goals

Laura Veza-Visan is a digital labour market consultant working on the ESCO project for the Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission. She is in charge of the communication and monitoring and evaluation strategy of the project, as well as coordinating the community of ESCO implementers: the organisations using ESCO in their projects, research or applications in Europe and internationally.

Christine Voelkl

“Take the next digital step with Europass”

Christine Voelkl holds the position of Policy Officer for Europass at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

With more than 15 years of professional experience as Project Adviser for EU education programmes including Erasmus+ as well as field experience in the area of education, training & youth, Christine has a strong interest in the connection between lifelong learning and the world of work. Moreover, she is passionate about creating links between people from different cultures, sharing good practices and creating innovation.

Christine believes in Europass as a powerful tool that responds to people’s needs in today’s labour market and education and training systems.

Eva-Mª Octavio de Toledo

“Coffee with dinosaurs”. 

Eva has been working in the field of training and employment providing information and guidance in the INAEM (the Aragonese Emploiment Institute). She is Spanish EURES Adviser since 2012 She has extensive experience and expertise in global cooperation and organization of international events. As part of the EURES Spain communication team has special interest in internal communication issues. In her opinion, the internal communication is the key of organizations; a good internal communication makes more effective and stronger networks and more motivated and satisfied workers.

Goodpractices “Café con Dinosaurios”

EURES (European Employment Services) is a network made of 1000 EURES Adviser of 31 different countries all working together towards of labour mobility in Europe. In Spain, this network is leaded by The SEPE (the National employment Service) leads this network and coordinates 17 different regional employment services with more than 60 EURES Adviser.

Mariate Alonso-Vega

“Small issues preparing an EOJD”. 

Mariate has been working as EURES Adviser at the Public Employment Service since 1993. Yes, almost 30 years!! Her main “clients” are jobseekers which are in general a little bit lost into the “jungle” of european process and also al regards the differencies among the countries.   Working at the Spanish EURES network she is member of a team (PCP Puente de Colaboración Permanente) focused in France, Switzerland and BENELUX. Mariate also belongs to a Spanish group to provide Labour Market information for jobseekers, as she consider is very usefull to give a good advise.

Sofia Gutiérrez Dewar

“Digitalizate PLUS: Free Digital training for workers.” 

Sofia Gutierrez Dewar has been working in the field of vocational training in Fundae for over 25 years. Currently she works in the institutional relations department as project manager in various European projects. As part of the ReferNet Spain team, her tasks include analsying and updating relevant information on lifelong learning policies, trends, statistical data, and vocational training tools and methodologies, at national and European level. She is also member of both the Digitalizate and the Google professional certificates management teams in Fundae.