Sede electrónica

Who we are

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” Henry Ford.


Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance in 34 European countries. Euroguidance supports the development of the European dimension of lifelong guidance and the competence development of guidance practitioners and raise awareness of the value of international mobility of guidance spractitioners. 

The main target group of Euroguidance is guidance practitioners and policy makers from both the educational and employment sectors. 


Launched in 1994the European employment services (EURES) is a European cooperation network between the European Commission, the European Labour Authority (ELA), the national public employment service and other admitted employment services in all the EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. 

EURES facilitates the free movement of workers by providing information and employment support services to workers and employers, and by enhancing cooperation and information exchange between its member organisations.  

The network has always worked hard to ensure that European citizens can benefit from the same opportunities, despite language barriers, cultural differences, bureaucratic challenges, diverse employment laws and a lack of recognition of educational certificates across Europe. 

The activities of the EURES network are supported and coordinated by the European Coordination Office (ECO), which manages the EURES portal and the European Online Job Days (EOJD) web platform.  

Each participating country (31) designates a National Coordination Office (NCO), generally linked to either their Public Employment Services (PES) or their Ministry of Labour, and is responsible for coordinating the national network of Members and Partners.  

Services to jobseekers and employers are provided by EURES Members and Partners, which provide a different range of EURES services depending on the size of the organisation or the nature of the other services it normally provides.


Eurodesk is a European youth information network created in 1990. As a support organisation to Erasmus+, Eurodesk makes information on learning mobility comprehensive and accessible to young people and those who work with them. 

With a network of 39 Eurodesk Centres connected to local information providers in 37 European countries, Eurodesk raises awareness on European opportunities and encourages young people to become active citizens. Eurodesk federates over 1500 so-called “multipliers and ambassadors” that are regional or local organisations working with young people, delivering youth information and advising young people on mobility opportunities.


Europass is an initiative of the European Union and one of the 12 flagship actions of the European Skills Agenda adopted by the European Commission on 1 July 2020. With it the Commission is taking a first step in delivering on the ambition of the Skills Agenda of making  lifelong learning a reality for all. 

The launch of the new platform marks a new chapter in the modernisation of EU tools for skills following the adoption of the Europass Decision in 2018 by the Council and Parliament. 

Europass is an online platform that provides individuals and organisations with a range of interactive tools and information on learning opportunities, qualifications and qualifications frameworks, guidance, strategic skills information, self-assessment tools and documentation of skills and qualifications, as well as enabling access to work and learning opportunities.  

There are 34 National Europass Centers around Europe (27 EU countries + Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey). Their main function is to coordinate all activities related to Europass. It is the first point of contact for any person or organization interested in using Europass Portal and its documents or obtaining more information about this initiative.