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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.


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Live and work in another country is an option that is widespread among Europeans of all ages. Increasingly people recognize the advantages of professional experience in this way. Work abroad for some time can greatly increase levels of training and the chances of finding a better job in the country itself.

Frequently asked questions related to mobility:

DIRECTIVE 2014 / 54 /HAT of European Parliament and the council: steps to the free movement of workers of the UE

The free movement of workers in the countries of the European Economic Area (EEE) is a fundamental right, allowing its citizens to work and settle freely, without approval of work, in any member country, guaranteeing equal rights to nationals of that country. This right is available to their families, whatever their nationality.

Consult the transitional measures set for the enlargement countries.

As a general rule, a European citizen can exercise in another country of the HAT any professional activity, subject only to the same rules and limitations nationals. Some countries make the access to certain activities, which can be both as self employed, the possession of certificates, diplomas, certificates or specific qualifications. In these cases will be necessary to request the recognition of the same for professional purposes, before the competent bodies of each Host state.

In principle, is assured in the country in which it operates. You and your family are entitled to receive the same treatment in social security and can receive the same benefits that people of the host country.

With regard to health care: if you are a beneficiary of Social security, must be obtained prior to leave Spain in the appropriate form of the series E- 100 . From the day 1 june 2004 the forms of temporary stay, mainly E- 111 and E- 128 they have now been replaced by the European Health Card(TSE). This card is individual and secures the right of the person to receive health-care services as may be necessary from a medical point of view, during a temporary stay in any of the countries members of the european economic area and switzerland. The validity period is recorded in the European Health Card. For obtaining them should take part in any of the Health-care centres and information of Social security ( CAISS) of the national institute of Social security.

Health care is free in most countries. However, some of them will have to pay part or all of the cost. It is important that save receipts and invoices and then reimbursed money.

If you are receiving benefits or unemployment subsidy, you can export them to find a job for a maximum period of 3 months. This will have been available to the Public employment service of the country of origin at least during 4 weeks, communicate to the same the actual date of departure and registered at the public employment service of the country of destination within a 7 days.

You must carry the form Or 2 for the countries of the European Union or the form and 303 for the countries of Islandia, Lietchestein, Norwegian and Swiss is issued to the employment service that he recognized the right. note that the process can grow in some countries to 2 months.

Finally agrees request form Or 1 for the countries of the European Union or the form and 301 for the countries of Islandia, Lietchestein, Norwegian and Swiss before leaving the country which has worked, so that the quoted periods can be taken into account for the calculation of future benefits.

There is No specific Community legislation in taxes, while it has been carefully avoid double taxation revenues from people who have revenues from different countries and non-discrimination with regard to nationals. Usually tributará in the country where it takes the residence tax.

Should be report about tax systems in the relevant agencies.

State Agency tax administration
The good guzmán, 139 - 28071 Madrid
Telephone: switchboard 915 826 767

Customs General Direction
The good guzmán, 137 - 28071 Madrid
Telephone: 91 582 62 26

May apply this incremental cost taxpayers registered unemployed in the employment office to accept a job located in a municipality different from their habitual residence, provided that the new job requires a change of this residence. The Performance Of these requirements will apply the increase of spending by geographic mobility in the fiscal year in the transfer and in the following.

Without limiting the foregoing, it should be noted that if as a result of the transfer of the habitual residence abroad, He lost the status of taxpayer for income tax of individuals, the increase of spending by geographic mobility would not be of tax periods in which does not have such status.


Should consider:

It should not be forgotten:

  • Passport or DNI in force.
  • Certified translation of the title.
  • Curriculum vitae translated, introduction letters and reference of other jobs, diplomas and courses.
  • European Health Card for healthcare in the EEE. Forms E- 301 and/or E- 303 when appropriate.
  • Photocopy of the birth certificate and family record book.
  • Several photographs of card.
  • Other permissions and licences it deems appropriate (driving license...).
  • Money for the first expenses (accommodation, transfers, maintenance...).