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Fair employment in the Digital age 2016 (Edition May)
Due to the success of his debut in 2015 ,Fair employment in the Digital agePublic employment service Estatal (SEPE)and with the support of the ministry of employment and Social security and the city of Madrid .
Basically the fair conceptualizes as an event aimed at human resources departments of technological companies, and we in this fair both supply and demand for employment is qualified. Each of the editions consists of two different days: the first is a forum "B 2 B "(negocio-negocio) for professional human resources and the second is a forum" B 2 C "(negocio-consumidor) for candidates.
In this first edition of 2016 participated 127 exhibitors, 94 classroom format on the premises and 33 in digital format. Over these two days, the participating companies were able to establish business contacts, catch up with digital transformation and contact 813 professionals and 1 . 923 candidates who visited the exhibition. In addition, during both days were 131 activities between conferences, presentations, lectures, workshops, round tables, etc., about the possibilities and good practices in the workplace.
The SEPE participated with a booth in the reported to the visitors on the agency, the Portal Empléate employment, the observatory of occupations, the modalities of contracts and the promotion of employment and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the SEPE worked with experts of the ministry of Employment and Social security and had reported that all stakeholders in the Youth Guarantee.
Moreover, the SEPE held a conference on the Portal of employmentEmpléate, in which participants showed all the possibilities offered by this portal for candidates to seek work and for businesses in finding the appropriate worker to fill the one on offer.
During his visit to the trade fair, the minister for employment and Social security, fatima Báñez García, especially in the stand of the SEPE, where he became interested in the quality and effectiveness of information and job orientation that was being provided to participants.