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International Congress of placement and career guidance - JO Barcelona 2016
The palace of congresses Cataluña , Barcelona , hosted on 2 and 3 march 2016 the third edition of theInternational Congress of placement and career guidance for university graduates and young people,JO Barcelona ' 16 again, organized by Talent Point.
JO Barcelona is the international congress of placement and career guidance annual Barcelona to get in touch directly to young people and companies that are actually demanding profiles and university graduates junior (undergraduate students in the final cycle of career, school-leavers and young graduates with professional experience).
As in past editions, thePublic employment service Estatal (SEPE)returned to be present at the congress with a booth in which treated young stating the SEPE services that could be of interest and spreading, mainly, the contract for the training and apprenticeship and vocational training, the Dual contract practices, certificates of professionalism, the observatory of occupations and employment Empléate Portal and self-employment.
In the congress, the participating companies had the opportunity to learn to young entrepreneurs startups and led by them, to disseminate its offers and to interview candidates and university graduates junior over 40 universities and schools of national and international business to expand its pool of candidates for positions present and future.
Furthermore, companies directed at young people in relation to its present and future professional and conducted professional networking meetings with representatives of universities, visiting academics and members and managers of companies selected according to its good practices of human resources management.
This edition was again a great success with the participation of more than 100 exhibitors who offered 3 . 000 career opportunities to the nearly 20 . 000 visitors, those who made a total of 65 . 000 interviews. In Addition, numerous workshops and conferences.
The congress was visited by several representatives from government institutions, spanish (public employment service, Generalitat de Catalunya, diputació de Barcelona and Ajuntament de Barcelona ) and international levels (representative office of the european commission).