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Europe ’ s Student and employment - Vitoria 2016

Day 24 and 25 february 2016 the fourth European edition of the student and use of Vitoria organized as on previous occasions by Navarprensa, MNC (Multimedia Navarra media) and a newspaper.

The event, that one more year took place in the Basque Centro-Museo of contemporary art, Artium, had as its objectives provide students with the greatest possible attention to your doubts and questions, show the diverse educational opportunities are sensitized and language learning, the importance of further training in a globalized world and be entrepreneurs to be competitive and act within the labour market. In short, help them decide the best option for their vocational training in the present and future.

Although the meeting was particularly aimed at students, also took into account parents, professional training, colleges, universities and businesses. Both students and general public were able to contact with business, see what are the most requested profiles and deliver your cv.

In the chamber attended basque all universities and some other Autonomous Communities, schools, that and FP, language schools and businesses, as well as public entities and organizations. All of them to inform and advise young people to help them decide their future.

One aspect that interest was the information on training in a way of practices, scholarships and assistance, labour camps or, for example, participation in actions of development cooperation in countries of the americas, Asia and africa …

The public employment service Estatal (SEPE) was also present at this edition, with a booth with a booth in which it was reported to the public, two round with laptop computers in the targeting of individual participants concerned and display of information leaflets.

At the booth, which was permanently cared for by the staff of the Provincial Directorate of the SEPE in Álava under the supervision of its Provincial Director, José María García Anuncibay, stakeholders, primarily, on contracts for the training and learning and Dual training, the contract in practices, certificates of professionalism, the observatory of occupations and Empléate Portal. It also had before it information leaflets both of these issues and other material which could be of interest to participants.

In this edition we must emphasize the considerable importance to the audience and the media by the presence of the SEPE in the chamber, having become one of the most visited booths fair by both students and teachers, guardians and counsellors. Furthermore, the stand of the SEPE received a visit to several authorities, as the Office in Araba/Álava, D. Antón Saénz de Santamaría Muniategui.