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III job fair Ceuta youth Warranty

The days15and16May2019in Hotel Ulises and postal Square of the Autonomous City of Ceuta, was held the III job fair Youth guarantee. Organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Ceuta, is a actuacióncofinanciada by the European Social Fund and by the initiative of Youth employment through the employment Operational Programme youth employment2014-2020.

Addressed to young people between16and29years that neither study or work, and to companies that want to hire skilled young. The fair seeks to promote the channels of communication between companies and young job seekers, give visibility to the latter, and offer in a single space resources and tools to improve employability. As well as boosting alternative job search in a world dominated by globalization and new technologies, without forgetting the promoting entrepreneurship.

With over95job offers, the fair began with presentations and training workshops, ending with the collection of resumes by businesses assistants, between the found institutions such as the armed forces, the public employment service State (SEPE), and the house of youth

As regardsSEPE, was represented by the Provincial Director in Ceuta SEPE, José María Rodríguez Zurrón and his staff. Besides opening the fair the day15May, with a presentation by the Provincial Director SEPE, which emphasized training and employment workshops, there were also reported security agenda youth and shock Plan for employment Young2019-2021, certificates of professionalism, the contract of training and learning, the observatory of occupations, the network EURES of employment in Europa and single portal of employment Empléate.