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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Hiring for training and learning

The contract for the training and learning aims to the professional qualifications of workers, in a regime of alternation of paid work in a company, with training activity received within the system of vocational training for employment or the educational system.

  • This is a tool to encourage young people to find work.
  • Aims to the professional qualifications of workers in a regime of alternation of paid work in a company.
  • The formative activity are received within:
    • the system of vocational training for employment (certificates of professionalism) or
    • the educational system (Title of vocational training)

Requirements of workers:

  • That do not have qualification for a contract in practice.
  • Between 16 and 25 years.
  • No age limit for persons with disabilities, collectives of social exclusion in inclusion companies and students of Escuelas-Taller, houses automatically and Employment workshops Empleo-formación programs.

Duration:Minimum1maximum year –3years (Minimum6months by collective agreement).

Salary:Not less than the Minimum Wage (SMI) in proportion to the working time cash.

Incentives for the company:

  • Reduction of corporate contributionsto100% for businesses of less than 250 workers and 75% for companies with more than 250 workers.Decreto-ley Real 6/2016,of 23 December, urgent measures to the momentum of the national system of Youth Guarantee states that in the case of workers enrolled in theSystem of national Security Juvenil,this incentive, in the same percentages, will be a bonus.
  • Financing of training: Bonuses on employer contributions by a number of hours equivalent to the following percentages of the workday:
    • Workers Years of the contract
      First year Second year Third year
      In general 25% 15% 15%
    • Additional bonus to finance Builds costs the company, with a maximum amount of 1,5 euros per student and tutorial, with a maximum of 40 hours per month and student. In enterprises with less than 5 the maximum workers may be 2 euros per student and tutorial.
  • If becomes indefinite during 3 years:1500€ or 1800€ for women.In the case of workers enrolled in the national system of Youth Guarantee this incentive, in the same percentages, will be a bonus.

Benefits for the worker:

  • Reduction of 100% share of the worker
  • Total social protection
  • Unemployment
  • Professional qualification

Distribution between work and formative activity

The workday will be distributed according to the following percentages:

Period Labour activity Formative activity
First year 75% 25%
Second year 85% 15%
Third year 85% 15%

Labour activity played by the worker in the company must be connected with the educational activity.

The goal of training is the professional qualifications of the workers

May include additional training that is included on the Catalogue of Formative Specialities.

In the system of training for employment, will permit or in the eLearning accredited establishments/registered.

In the educational system will give at class mode or remotely.



  • Through bonuses on employer contributions of Social security. Apply Articles 8,9 10 AND 11 the order of ESS/2518/2013, modified by the command ESS/41/2015.
  • Bankable costs of training are calculated according to the modules:
    • class mode: Costs time/participant will  8euros.
    • distance mode/eLearning: Costs time/pupil will 5 euros.
    • Additional bonus tutorízación: maximum 1,5 euros per student and tutorial, with a maximum of 40 hours per month and pupil.
    • In enterprises with less than 5 workers, the amount of the previous maximum will 2 euros per student and time.
  • Maximum bonuses that may apply the company will be the corresponding to a number of hours equivalent to 25% during the first year and 15% of the same during the second and third year. In the case of contracts whose beneficiaries are included in the Juvenile System, the amount of the above percentages will be 50% and 25% respectively.
  • The payment training facilities accredited or licensed, privately owned, the company paid monthly to center the cost of training, therefore will be applied for the bonuses in the Social security contributions, according to Article 10 the order ESS2518/2013.
    • The centre will issue to the company monthly invoice specifying: name of the centre, representative of the same, data of participants, training conducted, number of training hours of the month liquidated and date of invoice.
    • The training centre, or the company in your case, inform the public employment service state, through electronic registration, all previous data, according to be regularly checking, or within the month following the termination of budgetary period.
  • Additional training will be fundable through the budget of the public employment service state, under subparagraph 2 article 4 the order ESS/2518/2013, as amended by the command ESS/41/2015,12 January.