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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

I am a person's working field

The unemployment protection envisaged for the collective of the special system for self-employed workers, Agricultural presents some characteristics as they addressed to the successful people stills, discontinuous fixed or contingent liabilities.

While fixed working people and discontinuous fixed cannot access the benefits and unemployment benefits, in the same terms as any person employed worker agrarian not General Social security system of collective, temporary workers will not be allowed access to the unemployment allowance.

From 17 march 2022 the people, workers with fixed contract discontinuous included in the special regime agricultural capacity of the Social Security to develop this activity in the autonomous communities of Andalucía and Extremadura , when they cease to provide services for the completion or to have stopped the intermittent or activity of the company or suspend the activity by economic, technological or force majeure, or when such situations involuntarily cease in a casual employment for agriculture, for purposes of protection by unemployment will have the consideration of both fixed-working people discontinuous as casual Agricultural special system of Social security.

Therefore, subject to the rest of the requirements in each case may decide:
a) For unemployment benefits of level of contributors or as caregivers, with the duration of the grants the same as the rest of working people.
(b) by the unemployment allowance for persons casual included in the agricultural capacity of the Special Social security, including special allowance for working people aged 52 years, or, where appropriate, for agricultural income, in favour of the same people, considering the individual worker as a possible.

For all intents and purposes, and not only to determine whether you have covered the minimum number of days required for real dollar grant access SEASS or agricultural income, shall take into account any actual days listed on the Special Regime agricultural capacity of the Social Security, regardless of their number, as an individual employee broken fixed agrarian and as an individual worker agricultural potential, provided that:
- have not been computed for a previous law, to unemployment benefit, unemployment benefits or to agricultural income, and
- have been covered in the 12 calendar months immediately prior to becoming unemployed.

It was also taken into consideration the actual days paid for the purposes of the duration and amount of the rights that may apply (disp. transitory. 2 ª del RD  5/1997 and arts. 4 and 5 del RD 426/2003).

Not included in calculating income of the applicant or a beneficiary or of the members of the family unit, obtained by the farm work as a person employed worker of fixed character discontinuous.

Casual persons residing in the autonomous communities of Extremadura and Andalucía may be entitled to any agricultural subsidy (if you have earned the same in any of the three calendar years immediately preceding the date of application and observe the other requirements), or if you do not have the right to childcare supplement, access to agricultural income.

The following links, you can get specific information on each of the rights:

The payment of these unemployment benefits will be possible, with some exceptionsthrough the payment in the light of the financial entity which you indicate, whenever owner of the same.