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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Vocational Guidance

Common Services portfolio SNE

The services of the Common Portfolio of the national system of employment, adopted by the Royal Decree 438 / 2024 of 30 april, they are designed to help people find employment appropriate to their characteristics and the individuals and entities employers to hire women who work appropriate to their needs.

The joint Services Portfolio is to ensure equal treatment and opportunities and a comprehensive and permanent offer common services for use by a professionalized and stable body of the technical staff.

In the coming decades, technological change will also remove many occupations, the emergence of new ones and convert the rest. It is essential to ensure that this transition as quickly as possible and beneficial to our working population.

The emergence of new strategic economic sectors (digital economy, green economy, blue economy, care economy, creative economy …), promotes the generation of new deposits of employment, which are opportunities for growth and occupation.

The professionals of the guidance should be aware and to have knowledge of the change in the context of labour and social council, of the new labour market, in order to support their jobs, job seekers, entrepreneurs and enterprises in adapting to this new reality.

Therefore, the configuration of a professional profile of the guiding staff acquires of crucial importance in any environment, public or private, owing to the need for expertise visible, measurable and available for credit evenly.

Throughout the governance of the human factor, acquires special significance to the work done by the network of twenty guidance centres, counselling, enterprise and innovation financed with funds of the recovery Plan and that are configured as physical and virtual meeting of the entire network of guidance. One by each of the 17 autonomous communities, plus two in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla and another state.

Public Centres for counselling, support Entrepreneurship and innovation for the State Employment constitute an area of innovation and experimentation to improving the effectiveness or reinforcement of actions of guidance, counselling and mediation capacity-building and entrepreneurship.

Guaranteed servicesand those included in the Common Portfolio of the national system of employment referred to in article 1 . 1 the R.D 438 / 2024 of 30 april will be grouped in:

  • Counselling services for employment, comprehensive and inclusive.
  • Services of intermediation, placement and advice to companies.
  • Training services at work.
  • Advisory services for self-employment, entrepreneurship and energizing viable local economic development.

Counselling services for employment personalised and inclusive

Referral services for employment, and inclusive custom designed to provide, in a holistic manner, information, the diagnosis of the individual situation, advice, assistance and in the employment transitions applicants of employment services, either from education to work or between various situations of employment and unemployment may occur during working life, in order to help them improve their employability, promote their professional career and facilitate their recruitment or orientarles towards self-employment. In addition, and through analysis of their needs, guidance may give rise to the provision of other specialized services of the portfolio.

Counselling servicesthe following services will include guaranteed:

  • Development of an individual profile.
  • Individual mentoring, advising continued and personalized attention.
  • Itinerary or customized plan.