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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

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Companies with benefits to persons who fired workers 50 years or more

The SEPE referral of certification and the relationship of extinction of the employment relationship made by companies with benefits to over 50 years or more.

According to which determines the Additional Provision 16 A law 27 / 2011 , companies conducting collective redundancies should make a financial contribution to the treasury department allowed in the following circumstances:

  • a) That the collective redundancies were made by companies 100 staff or by companies forming part of groups of companies that employ large numbers of people,
  • (b) that the percentage of redundancies people 50 or more years of age on the total number of redundancies is higher than the percentage of 50 or more years in the overall staffing level.

Companies with benefits for redundancies affecting people 50 or more years, from the day 1 november 2024 shall submit a certificate as shown below.

Along with certification, signed by person with enough power, has been to send the SEPE an account of the persons concerned workers that include the information specified in the Excel templatepublished in the service at headquarters from 01/11/2024 compulsory and to enforce the obligation.

Among other data will be informed of:

  • name, surname, vat and date of birth of all people affected by redundancies,
  • name, surname and tax identification number of persons with contracts extinguished in three years immediately preceding the date of communication of the consultation period for purposes other than the will of the individual workers and different to the expiry of the agreed time limit.

Both communications were sent through the service « Certific@ 2 'the SEPE electronic site, within the following deadlines:

  • Three monthsfrom the end of the year following the commencement of collective dismissal when the company or group of companies had benefits in the previous two financial periods to that in which proceedings began redundancies.
  • Before the end of the exerciseinmediatamente posterior a aquél en que se cumpla el requisito de beneficios del punto(b) of the Additional ProvisionA law/(if the company has benefits in two or more consecutive years within the period between the previous year to the date of commencement of collective dismissal and the four subsequent periods).

The lack of presentation of certification within the time indicated to the SEPE, as well as the presentation of information as may be false or inaccurate is regarded as very serious offence, as established by the act on infractions and sanctions in the Social order, adopted by the royal Legislative Decree 5 / 2000 , 4 august.