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Foro del Empleo en la Era Digital FEED Madrid 2017

The fourth edition of theThe forum of employment in the Digital ageit welcomed the past 7 and 8 november 2017 in the crystal pavilion of the Madrid . The opening came the minister of employment and Social security,Fatima BáñezThere were over. 17 . 000 meetings between candidates and vacancies in enterprises which brought together in this forum, as Easy Recrue, EOI, Ferrovial, BMW, fundación ONCE, Mediaset Group Endesa, Lionstep, eng, Adidas, Securitas Direct, Lidl, Spanish Committee of unhcr, CEPSA, CGI, Zemsania, Groupon, GoldCar, Cognizant, DIGI Mobil, Prosegur, Natural Gas, Madison MK, PGS Inmovest Altran or Innovation, among others. The Forum of employment in the Digital Era came near 6 . 000 candidates registered between Internet Digital FEED and Match. The total number of professionals who went to FEED 2017 was 2 . 162 .

ThePublic employment service SEPE State was also presentwith all the information on their services, the unique portal of employmentEmpléate,Eures networkthat helps you in the process of searching for work in europe and theObservatoire des Occupationstechnical unit, the public employment service state analyse the situation and the labour market trends, occupations, communities of interest to the employment and the developments in the same. FEED 2017 he also received the support of the ministry of employment and Social security, Start Up Europe Awards and EOI.

Finding employment in the digital era requires certain skills to identify and usesearch tools through The Internet. Along with this aspect, the Employment forum in the Digital Era also emphasized thequalification and digital profilesthat are demanded by enterprises in coping with its need to restructure companies. Both of human resources as a jobseeker must know these procedures when processing all the information on supply and demand that travels over the Internet.

The employment forum in the Digital Era also focused onB activities 2 Bfor that companies could share their synergies.

On the other hand, FEED 2017 awarded a string of awards as:

  • I premio a la Digitalización de la Fundación de Recursos Humanos (FEED - DCH): BBVA.
  • Impetus to the Entrepreneurial Innovation: Antonio Serrano Acitores (ceo of Spartanhack).
  • Dissemination of transformation: Olga Lambea (STUDIO).
  • Innovation to the public at large: Sergio Hernández Cabanillas - Mister Technology.
  • Innovation in the service of man: Babycine.com.
  • StartUp Europe Awards 2017 : Lionstep - Social Modality.