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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

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Fair of Vocational Training Camins d 'FP2019

The days8and9May was held in Reus at firaReus, Tecnoparc, the fair vocational "Camins d ´ FP ”2019with the aim of showing the potential and the quality of vocational training and of certificates of professionalism of Tarragona.

The event41exhibitors and a space for a maximum capacity of1500people went to students, families, training centres, people who are working and unemployment, professionals and organizations of the territory.

The fair driven from the Department of Education of Reus and since Mas Carandell, is organized in conjunction with Bebe Drives, Vallsgenera, Concactiva, the tool of The Vendrell, municipalities of Tarragona, the Vendrell, Valls, the council Comarcal de la Occitan of Barberá, the council of Tarragona, territorial services of the education department of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the public employment service of Catalonia (SOC) and direction of public service Provincial state employment (SEPE) in Tarragona.

The fair scheduled a whole range of activities such astechnical sessionson accreditation of professional skills, on the development of the law of vocational training and vocational training and future trends. Also, there were twotables of experiencesa by several companies and another alumni of vocational training, along with academic orientation sessions in group and points of vocational guidance individually.

As regardsSEPE, represented in this fair by the Provincial Director of Tarragona and its staff, participates in the organization (as mentioned above) through the council of vocational training of Tarragona, as a member of the standing committee. Provided information on contracts for training and learning, certificates of professionalism, the national reference centres whose work is a reference to steer the productive sector and training, the observatory of occupations, the network EURES and single portal - Empléate. In turn, and as a fair particularly for youth, emphasis was placed on the shock Plan for employment Young2019-2021and in the Youth Guarantee.