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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Training statistics

Description of concepts until December 2006


Occupational Training is not part of the Regulated Education System, but a tool that facilitates the incorporation and permanence of workers in the world of work, as well as their occupational mobility, allowing their qualifications, conversion and refinement depending on the prospects offered by the market.

Initially, occupational training was conducted by the National Institute of employment (INEM), but the transfer of the management of this training to the Autonomous Communities and the allocation of the training of workers to separate entities to institute, led to the publication "occupational training Statistics", was present with the following groups of tables:

  • National data: in which joins the formation managed by the INEM and by the Autonomous Communities.
  • Management data Autonomous Communities: where only appears training managed by the Autonomous Communities who have transferred this competition.
  • INEM management data: in the displayed data from the training conducted in National Centres dependent on INEM and by the Autonomous Communities that do not yet have transferred the management of occupational training.

In the transfer of the management of occupational training, the administration of the state, reserves, among other functions, statistics for vocational occupational state purposes, to which end Autonomous communities, in accordance with Article 19 . 2 the royal decree 631 / 1993 , must provide the data that are required according to the established methodology in general, in a manner which ensured its integration with the rest of the statistical information state for the same subjects.

Transfers are as follows:

  • Generalitat de Cataluña. R.D. 1578 / 91 of 18 October, with effect from the 1 January 1992 .
  • Generalitat Valenciana. R.D. 1371 / 92 of 13 November, with effect from the 1 January 1993 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia R.D.. 146 / 93 of 29 January, with effect from the 1 January 1993 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. R.D. 427 / 93 of 26 March, with effect from the 1 January 1993 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias R.D.. 447 / 94 of 11 March, with effect from the 3 March 1994 .
  • Comunidad Foral de Navarra R.D.. 1319 / 97 of 1 August, with effect from the 1 January 1998 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura R.D.. 2024 / 97 of 26 December, with effect from the 1 January 1998 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón. R.D. 300 / 98 of 27 February, with effect from the 1 May 1998 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de las Islas Baleares R.D.. 621 / 98 of 17 April, with effect from the 1 May 1998 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha R.D.. 1661 / 98 of 24 July, with effect from the 1 September 1998
  • Comunidad de Madrid R.D.. 2534 / 98 of 27 November, with effect from the 1 January 1999 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria R.D.. 2672 / 98 of 11 December, with effect from the 1 January 1999 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja R.D.. 41 / 99 of 15 January, with effect from the 1 February 1999 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León. R.D. 148 / 99 of 29 January, with effect from the 1 March 1999 .
  • Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia R.D.. 522 / 1999 of 26 March, with effect from the 1 July 1999 .
  • Principado de Asturias R.D.. 2088 / 99 of 30 December, with effect from the 1 January 2000 .


This statistic is obtained from the information contained in the database of Occupational Training fueled by the INEM itself, autonomous communities that have not yet transferred occupational training and those with the management transferred using this application, so that your data are compatible with the extraction processes and tabulation set.

It also includes information provided by other computer tracks by the Autonomous Communities devolved management which do not use the applicatifs INEM if this information is integrable to overcome the requirements to be introduced in the above database and exploited with criteria of extraction and existing tab.

Vetting reject incorrect rows and/or incomplete that, once corrected, enter the corresponding monthly statistics, which can produce differences between the data provided in this statistic and those provided directly by the management bodies.

For the best interpretation of the information contained in the statistical tables, describes the concepts and classifications most usual:


For the best interpretation of the information contained in the statistical tables, describes the concepts and classifications most usual:


  • Started. Indicates that the course has begun in the period in which reflects its high.
  • Finished. The course has finished in the period reflecting its low.
  • In operation. Indicates that the course was opened in previous months and remains active in the period in which is reflected.


Situations of students with regard to a course are as follows:

  • High. Refers to students who are incorporated into existing courses or courses initiated in the reporting period.
  • Low. Are the casualties of students that occur in the period covered, whether or not completed the course.

The casualties of students in courses completed (current leavers) is broken down into positive evaluation (students trained) or negative assessment. The casualties of pupils in unfinished courses are broken down into placement and other causes.

  • Students trained. Are considered students formed only those who complete the course with positive assessment.
  • Students studying (in training). it includes the total number of pupils at the last day of the period covered are attending courses.

Type of facility.

Is the physical location where courses are developed. Possible options are:

  • Own. The courses are taught in a center owned by the managing body designed to learning or temporarily premises devoted to this activity (own, rented, assigned, modular centers, centers mobile or units of formative action), with the strength of the managing body.
  • Partner. The courses are taught in premises of collaborating centres authorised (or companies Collaborating Centres with collaboration agreements).

Path of programming.

Under this heading are included the different paths or modes of programming and execution that constitute the operating systems of operation commonly used. Are regarded as follows:

  • Direct courses. Are programmed courses annually to make themselves of the managing body, both material and human. This includes the made via extraordinary, whose implementation procedure is special because of its nature of recognized necessity and urgency.
  • Courses in Collaborating centres. The courses of collaborating centres are taught by institutions or public or private organizations Collaborating Centres certified as for training.
  • Courses of local and Provincial. These courses are aimed at rural workers in connection with municipalities and other public entities that are approved as Collaborating centres.
  • Courses in companies with commitment recruitment. Are courses offered by companies or business organizations that subscribe to a collaboration agreement with the managing body, incorporating a commitment of hiring by companies themselves of at least 60 percent of students trained.
  • Contracts courses Program. Are courses in business or trade organizations, agencies joint formation of Sectoral scope state and organizations representing the social economy that have signed an Contrato-programa with the managing body.

Formative speciality of the course.

Tries to define the aim of the course in the sense of knowing the degree of knowledge or skills acquired by the student in the training process.

The classification is as follows:

  1. Broad Base. Course of general nature and versatile that serves as the basis for a subsequent training through courses occupation or specific.
  2. Occupation. Course that trains for the performance of an occupation. Responds to a professional profile and encompasses all the modules that constitute the trainings.
  3. Certificate of occupancy professionalism. Course that trains for the performance of an occupation with certificate of professionalism as stipulated in the Royal Decree and allows for obtaining the certificate. Responds to a formative occupational and established.
  4. Specific. Course that trains for the performance of a significant craft part of an occupation, or allow to deepen or specialize in Specific areas of the same.
  5. Credit specific Occupational training Course for the performance of those skills with value and meaning in employment. Represents a fundamental part and independent of an occupation with certificate of professionalism.

Families professionals.

The object of vocational courses are classified in the following groups related, under the name of families professionals:

Professional families



AO Administration and offices
AR Handicrafts
AU Automotive
CC Trade
DO Teaching and research
EM Services to companies
EO Construction and public works
FC Additional Training
FAITH Manufacture of mechanical, electrical and electronic
GUY Agrifood industries
IG Graphic industries
IM Information and artistic manifestations
IP Heavy industry and metalwork
IQ Chemical industries
IT Textile industries, skin and leather
MD Industries of wood and cork
MIN Mining and first transformations
MO Installation and facilities
BRUM Maintenance and repair
M Various manufacturing industries
PA Fisheries and aquaculture
PT Production, processing and distribution of energy and water
SA Health
SF Insurance and finance
SP Community service and personal
TC Transport and communications
TH Tourism and hospitality


The National Plan of training and insertion articulates through various educational programmes. The collectives affected by the formative action are as follows:

  • Older unemployed 25 years. Addressed to unemployed of short and long term and women, both for short and long duration, with 5 years of inactivity labour, in professions that are underrepresented and with family responsibilities. This training seeks the basic skills and upgrading or retraining.
  • Other collectives. Goes to certain special collective as disabled (in collaboration with the National Institute of social services); Migrants and their families (made by the overall direction of the National Institute of emigration or with other entities operating abroad or in Spain); Service staff of the armed forces; People living in deprivation of liberty and Other groups (Additional provision 1 Th, R.D. 631 / 93 ).
  • Trainers. Are accions formatives organized directly by the managing body, or through other institutions, led to the formation or updating técnico-pedagógica of teachers who participate in the training Plan and professional insertion or professionals that can be incorporated to the realization of the same.

Employment situation.

The following are considered labour situations, prior to its incorporation of students attending courses:

  • Stopped
    • Without previous employment
    • With previous employment
    • Recipient of benefits
    • Recipient of benefits not
  • Other
    • Staff at the service of the armed forces
    • People living in deprivation of liberty
    • Others

Section of economic activity.

Under this concept is classified students attending courses, depending on the section of economic activity in which worked prior to joining the course, according to the Royal Decree 1560 / 92 , 18 December, which approves national classification of economic activities.

Sections of economic activity


Agriculture and livestock

B- Fishing
C QUOTAS - Extractive Industries
D- Manufacturing Industry
USUAL Production and distribution of electricity, Gas and water



G- Trade, Repairs
I- Transport, storage and communications
J- Financial Intermediation
K- Real Estate Activity and rental
L- Public administration, Social security and defence
M- Education
NO Health and social services
O Other Social Activities
P- Domestic Staff
Q- Offshore agencies
& nbsp; Without previous employment
& nbsp; Unspecified

Large groups of occupation.

The large groups of occupation indicate the occupation in demanding work pupils. According to national classification of occupations adopted by "917/94of6May (CNO-94) are as follows:

Large groups of occupation


Direction of companies and public administrations

2 Technicians and professionals scientists and intellectuals
3 Professional and technical support
4 Administrative employees
5 Workers of catering services, personal, protection and sellers of trade
6 Skilled workers in agriculture and fisheries
7 Artisans and skilled workers of manufacturing industries, construction and mining, except operators of plant and machinery
8 Operators of machinery and facilities, assemblers
9 Unskilled workers
0 Armed Forces
& nbsp; Unspecified

Level of education.

Refers to the level of studies completed by students at the time of its incorporation into the course.

Levels of studies completed




Illiterate Z -
Illiterate - 80
Primary education B -
Incomplete primary education - 11
Completed primary education - 12
Lessons for training and employment that do not require academic qualifications of the first stage of secondary for its realization (more than 300 hours) C -
Lessons for training and employment that do not require academic qualifications of the first phase of secondary - 21
The first stage of secondary education D -

The first stage of secondary education without title or equivalent school graduate



The first stage of secondary education without title or equivalent school graduate - 23
Lessons for training and employment that require high school diploma of first stage for its realization (more than 300 hours) AND -
Lessons for training and employment that require high school diploma of first stage - 31
Second stage of secondary education F -
Baccalaureate lessons - 32
Lessons medium degree specific F.P., plastic arts and design and sports - 33
Teachings of medium degree of music and dance - 34
Lessons for training and employment that require high school diploma of second stage for its realization (more than300hours) G -
Enseñanzas para la formación e inserción laboral que precisan titulación de estudios secundarios de segunda etapa. - 41
Teachings of superior specific vocational training and equivalent, plastic arts and design and sports H -
Teachings of superior F.P. especívica and equivalent - 51
Other teachings of two or more years that require Bachelors I -
Own titles of universities and other lessons that require Bachelors - 52
Enseñanzas para la formación e inserción laboral que precisan de F.P. grado superior - 53
University education of junior and second cycle J -
Own titles of universities and other lessons that require Bachelors - 52
Enseñanzas para la formación e inserción laboral que precisan de F.P. grado superior - 53
Official studies of professional specialization K -

Official studies of professional specialization



Postgraduate programmes offered by universities or other institutions - 57
Training programmes and job placement requiring university degrees - 58
University teaching of third cycle L -

University doctorate



The distribution of formative levels in the statistical tables will be as follows:

Formative levels



Incomplete primary education


Completed primary education


Secondary studies C + D + E + F & G

Vocational training programs

C, E, 33 , 34 and G

General education

D and32

Post-secondary studies 52+53+54+55+ H + K + L

Senior técnicos-profesionales

H +53

First cycle


Second and third cycle

55+ L


K + 52