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Bonuses and reductions for self-employment with Specific Character

Open-ended contract of young people with low-skilled, beneficiaries of the national system of Youth Guarantee

Young people under 30 years with low-skilled, are beneficiaries of the national Youth Guarantee.

Will young people with low-skilled, those who have not reached studies for the high school diploma or Training Cycle of average grade level of vocational training system, in accordance with the statement made in this regard in its registration on the record of the National System of Youth Guarantee.

Amount: 275 eur/month.

Duration: three years.

The measure: until 31 August 2024.

Legislation: first of the additional provision Decreto-ley Real 1/2023 , 10 january, urgent measures in the area of incentives for employment and enhancing social protection of persons artists.

Contract for Alternation Training for young people under 30 years of age

Young people who are registered in the public employment services as applicants for employment services in the employment situation of the unemployed.

These bonuses will not apply to alternating training contracts when they are signed within the framework of mixed public employment-training programmes.

Amount: 91 euros/month. Likewise, the aforementioned contract will give the right to a bonus of 28 euros/month in the contributions of the worker to Social Security and for the concepts of joint collection.

Duration: during the term of the contract.

Validity of the measure: indefinite.

Regulations: Article 23 of Royal Decree-Law 1/2023, of January 10, on urgent measures regarding incentives for employment and improvement of social protection for artists.

Alternation training bonuses

The training activity in the workplace, linked to the alternating training contract, when, under the terms determined by regulation, it is carried out in the company sphere, will give the right to discounts in the Social Security company contributions for the financing of the costs of the training received by the hired worker.

Amount: Maximum amount resulting from multiplying the economic module established by regulation by a number of hours equivalent to 35% of the day during the first year of the contract, and 15% of the day the second.

When the alternating training contract is formalized with beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System, the maximum amount of the bonuses that the company may apply to finance the training costs will be the result of multiplying the corresponding economic module by a number of hours equivalent to 50% of the day during the first year of the contract, and 25% of the day the second.

All companies that carry out alternating training contracts may apply a bonus for costs derived from tutoring workers with a maximum amount of 1.5 euros per student and hour of tutoring, with a maximum of 40 hours per month. and student or student. In the case of companies with less than five workers, the additional bonus will have a maximum amount of 2 euros per student and hour of tutoring, with a maximum of 40 hours per month and student. Said bonuses for tutoring costs will be applied to the Vocational Training business fee and will be financed from the professional training fee.

Duration: during the term of the contract.

Validity of the measure: indefinite.

Regulations: Article 26 of Royal Decree-Law 1/2023, of January 10, on urgent measures regarding incentives for employment and improvement of social protection for artists.

Financing of the European Social Fund

Bonuses of contributions to Social security described can be cofinanced by the european Social fund.

Catalog of publications of the General State Administration


Edition done by the public employment service State
Countess of Venadito, 9 . 28027 Madrid

NIPO: 120-23-014-7

Updated in september 2023