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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

More information on the Renta Activa de inserción

The objective of the programme is to increase opportunities to return to the labour market of persons unemployed workers with special economic needs and difficulty in finding employment.

Includes active employment policies managed by the public employment services in order to increase opportunities for return to the labour market, and where appropriate, economic aid managed by the public employment service, so-called State Renta Activa de inserción (linked to the realization of the actions in the area of active employment policies that do not cause wages.

Are not entitled persons who:

  • They were admitted to prison, custody or as punishable, unless their situation was compatible with work outside prison premises and meet the requirements.
  • They were receiving pensions or benefits of an economic nature of Social security, are incompatible with work.
  • They were beneficiaries of social assistance that might be victims of gender-based violence, who are unable to participate in employment programs, which were contained in the article 27 of the organic law 1/2004 , 28 in december on comprehensive protection measures against gender violence and regulated in the Royal Decree 1452/2005, 2 december provided that those benefits were paid at the time of application for admission to the programme. However, when considered within the periods of six, twelve months or 18 months of duration of aid, will be able to apply for admission to the program RAI.

Will causefinal lowin the programme incorporated working people at the same in when any of the following facts:

    • Self-employment or full-time basis for a period equal to or exceeding six months.
    • To obtain a pension or an economic nature of Social security which would be inconsistent with or without pay, exceed your level of the limits set to be granted the renta activa de inserción (as well as to obtain social assistance as a victim of gender-based violence, who are unable to participate in employment programmes.
    • Fail to meet the requirement of lack of income for each period exceeding six months.
    • Access to unemployment benefit, an allowance for unemployment or to agricultural income.
    • Transfer abroad, except in the case of transfer to the search or execution of work, professional improvement or international cooperation, for a period exceeding six months.
    • The detention if their situation was incompatible with the conduct of work, or participation in employment actions outside the custodial facility, where the deprivation of liberty for as long as it is equal to or exceeding six months.

The successful people causing low definitively in the programme may not be incorporated at the same, but are subject to an additional right to admission to the programme, when meeting the criteria.

Will causetemporary lowin the agenda, without consumption in the duration of working people, which commits one of the following circumstances:

    • Self-employment or full-time basis, for a period of less than six months.
    • Overcoming the income limit, for a period of less than six months.
    • The transfer abroad to look for or to undertake work, professional improvement or international cooperation, for a period of less than six months.
    • The stay abroad, shall be communicated to the public employment service and State authorization for this, for a maximum of 90 days of continuous or not, within each calendar year. It is not the temporary low in the agenda the departure abroad by a time not exceeding 15 calendar days, continued or not, during each calendar year, without prejudice to the performance of obligations under the the agreement of activity.
    • The detention, where the deprivation of liberty shall be by time less than six months, if your situation is incompatible with the realization of employment or participation in actions of employment outside the prison.

The Renta Activa de inserción is incompatible

  • With incomes of any nature that will overcome the limits set for the renta activa de inserción without computen for this purpose the income from work or actions compatible with the receipt of income.
  • With the receipt of benefits, unemployment benefits or agricultural income.
  • With the simultaneous conduct of work or self employment full time.
  • With the social assistance that might be victims of gender-based violence, who are unable to participate in employment programmes.
  • With a pension or an economic nature of Social security which would be inconsistent with or without pay, in the amount exceeding the limits laid down for the Renta Activa de inserción.

The Renta Activa de inserción will be compatible with:

  • The scholarships and assistance, of any nature, which could be found for the assistance to training and professional integration.
  • With the work carried out in the interest of the community in serving the sentence, as they deal with unpaid work.
  • With the employed workforce part-time, in which case will be deducted from the amount of rent part time worked, and the period of income due to be extended at the same proportion.
  • The realization of self-employed work part-time work does not constitute a low in the programme. The non-renewal of the demand for employment will be the interruption in the payment of financial aid, as well as the beginning of the corresponding punitive procedure.