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Conciliation bonuses linked to recruitment

Amendment 20 / 2007 , 11 july, of the statute of the Self-employment.


Amending article 30 the law 20 / 2007 for reclaiming, self-employed or self-employed persons by work and family life linked to recruitment.


The self-employed or self-employed persons, shall be entitled, for a period of up to twelve months, a bonus of 100 percent of the autonomous quota for common contingencies.


  • Care of children 12 years.
  • Take by a relative by consanguinity or affinity to the second degree including, in situation of dependence, duly accredited.
  • By the division in charge of a relative by consanguinity or affinity to the second degree inclusive, cerebral palsy, mental or intellectual disabilities with a disability degree recognized equal or exceed the 33 % or a physical disability or sen soria l with a disability degree recognized equal or exceed the 65 percent, at their disability is duly accredited, provided such family do not play a paid activity.

Requirements and Obligations

Be and remain high in the special regime of Social security for self-employed or self-employed persons.

Recruitment of a worker, full or part-time, to be maintained throughout the period of enjoyment of the bonus. In any case, the duration of the contract shall be, at least three months from the date of the enjoyment of the bonus. The part-time appointment cannot be held for shorter working hours to 50 per cent of the day of a full-time worker comparable.

Lack of employees at the start of the implementation of the bonus and during the last 12 months prior to the same, except in the case of worker recruited through the replacement contract for replacement of autonomous worker maternity, paternity, adoption or fostering, risk during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In any case, the autonomous workers benefit from the bonus is to be held in high of Social security during the six months following the expiration of the enjoyment of the same.

In the case of failure to comply with the previous obligations and requirements, the self-employed shall be obliged to reintegrating the amount of bonus enjoyed.


Bonus 100 percent of the autonomous quota for common contingencies, that is to apply to the average worker in the twelve months preceding the date of this measure referred to the minimum rate laid down in each moment established by the Special Regime of self-employed or self-employed persons.

If the worker takes less than twelve months of continuous high in the special regime of Social security for self-employed or Self-Employed basis, the average price is calculated from the last high, and the result of multiplying by 30 the amount resulting from dividing the sum of the foundations of contribution for the last period of continuous high between the number of days of high for the period.

If the recruitment is part-time, the bonus shall be of 50 per cent.

The beneficiaries of the allowance shall be entitled to their enjoyment once and for each person causes (less than 7 years by family or dependent or disability equal or exceed the 33 per cent).

This bonus shall be compatible with the rest of incentives for contracting for an employer, under current rules.

Other features

When it extinguished the employment relationship, even during the initial period of 3 months, the self-employed may benefit from the bonus if hires other workers employed in the maximum period of time 30 days.

Will not return to the allowance in the case of a limitation when it is motivated by objective reasons, or by disciplinary dismissal, when one or another is recognised as appropriate, or in the case of extinction due to resignation, retirement, death or permanent total incapacity, absolute or major disability of the worker or resolutions during the trial period. Where appropriate the amount It shall be limited exclusively to the part of the contract which enjoyed the extinction it had taken place in circumstances different from those stipulated in the previous paragraph.

If the minor that gave rise to the bonus reached the age of 7 years prior to the completion of the enjoyment of the bonus, you can hold up to achieve the maximum period of twelve months, subject to compliance with the rest of the conditions.


Article 30 the law 20 / 2007 as amended by the Decreto-ley Real 13 / 2022 , 26 july.