
Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

The high-like situations

It was considered by the high-like situations which produce the same effects as an effective high in Social security on the payment of the provision, and are as follows:

  • The redundancy payment by public office or association.
  • The release of imprisonment for a sentence or probation.
  • The return of emigrants working people.
  • The transfer or secondment by the company outside national territory.
  • The completion of the employment relationship in a strike or lockout.
  • The situation of temporary incapacity, without an obligation to contribute, as well as temporary invalidity pension.
  • The situation of unpaid leave for a term not exceeding three years to caring for each child, and the situation of unpaid leave to care for family members.
  • The situation of the individual worker during the period for annual leave with pay that have not been enjoyed prior to the completion of the contract.
  • The situation of working people discontinuous fixed than calls to resume the activity.

In the case of being assimilated by the high, to calculate the duration of unemployment benefit, the commencement of the period of six years prior to the legal situation of unemployment brought to a halt as long as it has remained in this situation.