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Youth Guarantee Plan Plus 2021 - 2027 of decent work for young people

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The “Youth Guarantee Plan Plus 2021 - 2027 of decent work for young people ” serves as a reference to entities linked to the national system of Youth Guarantee in the same period. This plan will enable the european Union released esf funds intended for + youth employment.

The Youth Guarantee Plan Plus is aimed at improving the qualifications of young people to gain the skills and technical skills required to enter the labour market. The Youth Guarantee scheme is part of an overall investment, Strategic Plan Avanza Youththat brings together the set of actions for youth employment and provides that 4 . 950 million to that end, the largest amount intended so far by a government for actions for youth employment.

It has the contributions that the autonomous communities moved in the XXXVI sectoral conference on employment and Labour Matters that was held on 28 april, with the knowledge of the Social Dialogue and with the cooperation of the institute of youth and youth council.

It is also a fundamental tool for achieving the ODS 5 and 8 of Sustainable development objectives of the Agenda 2030 .

Pillars of the Plan

To achieve the objectives for improving the employability and entrepreneurship for young people, the plan is based on guidance and follow-up of users are personalized and users in all of the proceedings of support; training to the acquisition of competencies and the improvement of professional experience, taking into account the needs of transformation of productive model; improving employment opportunities through incentives targeted especially to persons who require special consideration; equality of opportunity; enterprise and entrepreneurship development and improvement of management.

Measures in the Plan of Youth Guarantee Plus

In order to promote the creation of employment opportunities and increasing the qualifications and employment of young persons, giving them more professional skills, overcoming the technological gap and segregation, the Youth Guarantee Plan Plus ( 2021 - 2027 ) incorporates, among other actions, the following measures:

Flexibility and agility of management: for a more effective, those registered in the plan will have immediate attention to the commitment that within a maximum of four months have received an offer of employment or training that will have a special follow-up in this period. The persons concerned will have a free telephone line that will enable us to resolve the doubts of care in addition to the availability of supplementary digital systems.

A virtual space will allow the specific training and also the identification and selection of job vacancies.

Entrepreneurship for young people affected by the health crisis. The situation caused by the health crisis COVID- 19 makes it necessary to support the youth entrepreneurship. There will be support aid to deal with the payment of contributions to Social security for six months and also for advertising and digital processing of business in addition to training and marketing digital marketing for business start-ups.

The programme undertakes microcreditFunding: Will, without guarantees, to start-ups that are unable to obtain an ordinary claim. In addition to the economic contribution, the beneficiaries will be supported from guidance and advice upon receipt of the loan.

Strengthening the guidance: La red Re-Orienta will receive a new momentum and will promote stability and professional career counsellors of the people. The quality of guidance will be subject to evaluation.

The orientation for the young person with family responsibilities, especially women whose cargoes of care is not visible often, reinforce co-responsibility and eliminate stereotyping of gender equality. The training in labour rights, access to training contracts and the provision of digital tools will be some of the tools to promote their integration into the labour market.

The equality, conciliation and shared responsibility will be fostered through different proceedings from the level of guidance, within the framework of the equality plans in place, support to the study, employment and young women in rural areas to ensure a better access to employment and formulas of self-employment and entrepreneurship.

Steps will be taken to shed light on the role of young women in professions STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)with specific training courses and also in the area of corporate Social responsibility.

Encourage the formation: The prevention of school drop-out return to the training is critical to the consolidation of careers and respond to the needs of the labour market. The custom itineraries priority will promote a return to formal education of persons who have left the education system prematurely.

First professional experience: Persons in registered Youth Guarantee may participate in the first professional experience in public administrations which will provide experience and access to quality jobs, a cross-cutting element of the plan.

Re-employment: Of young people who do not seek a job because they believe they do not find. The public employment services will work from a local perspective, through coordinated actions with the social services and youth to facilitate their integration into the counselling services, in the National employment System or in the educational system.

Actions of employment for LGBTI people: The discrimination associated with LGTBIfobia conditions the occupational integration of this group that will develop a pilot programme of sociolaboral insertion to incorporate specific measures to eradicate discriminatory situations.

The counsellors persons receive specific qualifications in this area, shall be financed actions of visibility, in particular to promote the policies of corporate Social responsibility and awareness-raising campaigns will be conducted in companies to facilitate that everyone can access the labour market regardless of their sexual identity.

Migrants: In the case of young people, migrants will affect the guidance and occupational integration.

Persons with disabilities: The young people with disabilities supports unemployment rates, especially of long duration of inactivity and risk of exclusion. It will affect the specific qualification of counsellors persons address this and will be financed collective actions to give visibility to the inclusion of this group in employment and also to sensitize the business.

It will strengthen the Service "" Bridge with the labour training staff support for the development of customized itineraries of insertion to promote decent employment, quality and personal autonomy.

Regeneration of urban and rural areas in decline: The recovery of these environments opens a window of opportunity for youth employment. The guidance for the regeneration of urban and rural areas is a measure aimed specifically at young people with creative initiative seeking to carry out an order with a particularly social justice. This will yield a double impact: the creation of employment and housing needs to respond to vulnerable people.

The measures of generational succession in rural areas are designed to generational replacement in traditional jobs

Through the promotion of vocational training, workshops and joint Empleo-formación programmes it will encourage the development of historical heritage, natural and cultural fields, the recovery of offices and generation of employment opportunities.

In the Empleo-formación programmes the professional experience in companies in the intervention area, with particular attention to training and employment in the context of rural tourism.

The Young Workshop programme Networks it will facilitate mobility within the national territory in the interests of young people with specific assistance that will enhance their opportunities.

Opportunities in economic transition: Circular economy/digital economy, renewable energies, ecological and economic transition.

The digital economy it is one of the fundamental orientations of economic transformation. Promote access to technology and develop digital skills affects the capacity of social relations and also in the search and access to job opportunities.

Training in these subjects in the digital literacy workshops bearing prominently in the inclusion of the groups most vulnerable. These workshops will be able to count on complementary programmes of job search through computer tools. It will support initiatives aimed at reducing the economic and social inequalities through digitization paying particular attention to the territorial factor.

In another towards a transition, efficient and sustainable economythe circular economy, has emerged as a sector with labour demand with great impact on specialized profiles in the field of technology and research, characteristics that share with renewable energies or the ecological transition, with strong potential for job creation. A potential which can also be seen in the field of blue economy with opportunities in areas such as port logistics and transportation, marine resources, tourism or renewable sources of marine origin.

In these areas will be carried out a map of opportunities and needs in the various territories, to develop comprehensive itineraries job specific training programmes.

The Youth Guarantee Plan Plus will support the presence of young persons in research centres and technology companies

Dual vocational schools: Will connect the Vocational training with employment through real job opportunities in companies and remunerative and personalised support between 12 and 18 months.

Second chance schools: They will allow increasing job opportunities for those who abandoned their studies at an early age, learning in key areas that allow access to training to obtain certificates of professionalism.

GJ + Plan ( 2021 - 2027 ) 3 . 263 M €throughout the period (through the european Social fund +)
Investments of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience First Experiences: 330 M €- I Investigate: 315 M €- Tandem: 120 M €- Total: 765 M €
Other investments of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience 172 M €
Training programmes in alternation of employment 600 M €
Agreement with the state secretariat for Digitization Artificia Intelligence 150 M €
TOTAL 4 . 950 M €