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Fair employment Toledo 2015

The chamber of commerce Toledo and Toledo business federation (FEDETO) organized, on 1 and 2 october 2015 the first edition of the fair employment Toledo held at the Campus Tecnológico arms factory, located on campus toledano, university of Castilla - La Mancha.

With the support of all social and economic agents of the city, the fair was a bid to improve the employability of unemployed persons and serve as an opportunity to learn about the various options to integrate itself into the labour market.

The inauguration of the event was carried out by the mayor of Toledo , Dña. Milagros Tolón Jaime, la Concejala de Empleo e Igualdad, Dña. Inés Sandoval Tormo, la Presidenta de la Cámara de Comercio de Toledo , Mrs Maria Angeles Martínez Hurtado, the president of the Toledo Business Federation, D. Angel Nicolas García, Viceconsejero employment and labour relations act of the board of Castile-La Mancha, D. Francisco Wheel Sagaseta and Pro-rector for International Relations and Continuing training of University of Castilla - La Mancha, fatima Guadamillas Gómez.

They highlighted the importance of creating a space to share experiences and knowledge, to maintain the bet by one training “ excellent ”, and to promote the creation of employment with the collaboration of all the institutions.

In addition to the stands of institutional bodies, banking, placement agencies, temporary work agencies, insurers, professional associations and trade unions and other entities asociacionistas, the programme of the fair included the holding of numerous workshops aimed at finding employment opportunities, training, self-employment and personal skills development for the improvement of the work options.

The public employment service Estatal (SEPE) was present in this fair with a booth in which provided information and guidance on the individual's web page, where SEPE dealing with various aspects related to employment and training. The strength of booth consisted of a counter, a table with chairs and two laptop computers for a better explanation to attendees interested and display of information leaflets.

The stand, that he was treated permanently by Provincial Directorate of the SEPE in Toledo under the supervision of its Provincial Director, Mr. Miguel Ángel Iniesta Molina, with a large influx of people who are interested mainly by the certificates of professionalism and how to access them. They were also numerous questions on the profiles of employment, especially with regard to competencies most valued by entrepreneurs and the labour market. There was also interest in access to Employment "Empléate" and apprenticeship contracts.

The user profile was diverse. In general, emphasized the persons who were studying at university and in regulated vocational training, although it was also attended the public that had already completed their training and needed to match it with something more specific.