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Fair employment in the Digital age 2016 (Edition November)
Fair employment in the Digital age 24 and 25 may
Both editions were organized by the group ADD under the patronage ofPublic employment service Estatal (SEPE)and with the institutional support from the ministry of employment and Social security and the city of Madrid .
The fair conceptualizes as an event aimed at human resources departments of technological companies, and we in this fair both supply and demand for employment is qualified.
Each of the two editions of 2016 consisted of two days differentiated: first, a forum "B 2 B "(negocio-negocio) for professional human resources; the second, a forum" B 2 C "(negocio-consumidor) for candidates. Over both days, the participating companies were able to establish business contacts, catch up with digital transformation, establish contacts with highly qualified candidates and visitors and to make your company, its products, their added value and their career plans.
To access the event, all visitors candidates had to register on the web. When you register, candidates received one motion for a “ circuit of Success ”, i.e., an Optimal tour with a number of companies that visit. For its part, the panellists were app that allowed them to scan the bar codes of candidates and rank them in a file in the cloud, and the organization subsequently demonstrate. With this same app, the panellists were also able to scan the data of visitors B 2 B for networking.
The SEPE participated with a booth in the reported to the visitors on the agency,The sole Portal “ Empléate employment ”the observatory of occupations, the modalities of contracts and the promotion of employment and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the SEPE worked with experts of the ministry of Employment and Social security and had reported that all stakeholders in the Youth Guarantee.
In addition to the exhibition area with stands, this edition included four chambers of papers and several spaces in which many activities were carried out. In Addition, there was an exclusive area dedicated to the artificial intelligence.
This second edition of 2016 exceeded the success of the first, because it brought together 153 exhibitors ( 109 classroom format on the premises and 44 in digital format), was visited by 6 . 072 stakeholders ( 1 . 638 professionals in the day B 2 B and 4 . 182 candidates on the part B 2 (C) and a total of 2 . 653 readings of resumes.