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Bilbao Workinn2019


The days5and6June2019took place in the Garden Bilbao (BEC) Azkue round1,48902Barakaldo, Ivª edition of industrial employment forum, WorkInn.

The main purpose of the forum of industrial employment is constituted as a meeting place between companies and professionals in search of employment in the sector as well as students of Last year.

Sóloal is directed notsector professionalactive, well with the intention ofchange jobseither unemployed looking for return to the same, but is also open to theentrepreneurial initiativesand the creation of companies, as well as theoccupational training and guidancein order to bring the market and labour supply of the industrial sector to students, future additions of companies.

Opened by the Governmentsâ and youth employment, were two days of interviews with a hundred job vacancies that was attendees with companies, government agencies both State and Basques and various consultancies. Among government agencies Basques wereLanbide(Basque Service jobs) andDevelopment of Bizkaia'Apprentissageand between state agencies, thePublic employment service State (SEPE).

As regards SEPE, was represented by theThe Provincial director SEPE in Bizkaia, Gutiérrez Marta Riverand his staff. Provided information on the services provided by the agency such as the Single Portal Empleo-empléate, the observatory of occupations, the network of European job search EURES and guarantee Juvenil como strategy for employment and entrepreneurship youth. It was also reported on certificates of professionalism, the national reference centres and contracts for training and learning.

Gallery of photos of Bilbao WorkInn2019