
Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

How do I make the information I need to request the single payment and who can make it for me?

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The report to request the single payment will consist of the writing of a project that describes the activity to be carried out and that allows its economic and financial viability to be considered. Said report must include the following sections:

  • Personal information.
  • Data on the activity to be carried out, indicating what it consists of, the town and province where it will be carried out, the legal framework within which it will be carried out and the expected start date of the activity.
  • Total necessary capital (own, foreign and capitalization).
  • Planned capital distribution.
  • Detail of the investments to be made.
  • Data of the location where the activity will be carried out.
  • Forecast of income, expenses and returns for the first years.
  • Forecast on job creation.

You can prepare the report following the script found on the website of the State Public Employment Service, called "Template of explanatory report of the project for the single payment or capitalization".

To prepare the report, you can also go to any private consulting or advisory service, or to any of the services that the different state, regional or local Public Administrations make available to people promoting new activity projects.