
Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Glossary of terms on Bonuses and reductions to Social security


Deductions are in the quota to Social security resulting from the application of certain percentages or amounts to the same that are aimed at reducing Social security costs of companies and empowerment of access to certain groups in the labour market. (From the Public Service state employment). These bonuses may be cofinanced by the FSE.


Deductions are in the quota to Social security resulting from the application of certain percentages or amounts to the same that are aimed at reducing Social security costs of companies and empowerment of access to certain groups in the labour market. (From the General Treasury of Social security).

Program to promote Employment (PFE)

Refers to any rule that contains measures to boost hiring.

Victims of gender violence

The woman who is credited the status of “ victims of gender violence ” according to its regulatory standards resulting from violence with any act of physical and psychological violence, including assaults on sexual freedom, threats, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.

The victim of terrorist violence

The person who has accredited condition ” victim of terrorist violence, ” according to their regulatory standard, defined as the carried out by persons in criminal organizations or groups that have the purpose or to subvert the constitutional order or seriously altering public peace.

Victims of human trafficking

The person who has accredited condition ” victim of human trafficking ” according to their regulatory standard, which involves the purchase and sale of people, where the victim is subject to the authority of another subject. Typically occurs trafficking for sexual exploitation, forcing work to the person in prostitution or other tasks analogous to slavery. Trafficking is a crime that consists in the kidnapping, transfer or the reception of human beings through the threat, violence or other enforcement mechanisms (fraud, abuse of a dominant position, etc.).

Social exclusion

The person who is credited the status of “ social exclusion ” by belonging to any of the collectives laid down in Article 2 the law 44 / 2007 , 13 December, regulating the regime inclusion companies, linked below:

  • Minimum-wage earners insertion, or any other provision of equal or similar nature, as the name taken at each Autonomous Community, as well as the members of the unit of coexistence beneficiaries of them.
  • People who are unable to access the benefits to which reference is made in the previous paragraph, by one of the following: 1 .º Falta del período exigido de residencia o empadronamiento, o para la constitución de la Unidad Perceptora. 2 Seventh exhausting the maximum period of perception legally established.
  • Young people aged 18 years and less than thirty, from child protection institutions.
  • People with drug dependence problems or other addictive disorders that are in the process of rehabilitation and social reintegration.
  • Penitentiary inmates whose prison situation allows them to access to employment and whose employment relationship is not included in the scope of the special employment relationship regulated under Article 1 the royal decree 782 / 2001 , 6 July, as well as released conditional and former prisoners.
  • Inmates included in the scope of the organic law 5 / 2000 , 12 January governing the criminal liability of minors, whose situation allows them to access to employment and whose employment relationship is not included in the scope of the special employment relationship referred to in Article 53 . 4 the rules of the law, approved by the Royal Decree 1774 / 2004 , 30 July, as well as those who are in situations of probation and former inmates.
  • People from alternative accommodation centres authorized by the Autonomous Communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
  • People from prevention services and social integration authorized by the Autonomous Communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

Disabled person

People who have recognized a degree of disability than or equal to 33 percent. Are considered with a disability than or equal to 33 percent pensioners of Social security which have recognized a permanent disability pension in the level of total, absolute or major disability, and pensioners clases pasivas having recognized a retirement pension or retirement permanent incapacity to service or uselessness.

Severe disabilities

Is considered when there are severe cerebral palsy, mental illness or intellectual disabilities with a degree of disability than or equal to 33 %; or in case of physical disability or sen soria l with a degree of disability than or equal to 65 .

Special Employment Centre

Are those whose main objective is to have a productive activity of goods or services, participate regularly in market operations, and bearing designed to ensure gainful employment for people with disabilities, while a means of integration of the largest number of these people in the regime of regular job.

Catalog of publications of the General State Administration


Edition done by the public employment service State
Countess of Venadito, 9 . 28027 Madrid

NIPO: 120-23-014-7

Updated in september 2023