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Graduate: Your Job in Europe with EURES
Catalogue of publications of the General state administration
Held by the public employment service State
Condesa of Venadito, 9 . 28027 Madrid
NIPO: 120-21-045-9
Update to january 2021
- From university to the workforce: a huge leap
- The job market in Europe
- Many questions that require answers
- What EURES can offer you
- Personalised EURES services
- First: auto-evaluate and establish goals
- University degrees in Europe
- Finisht training in Eurpe: Ploteus
- Europass: A useful tool for studying and working in Europe
- For researchers
- Internships and work with the community institutions: An opportunity within your reach
- Summerjobs: An option for the summer
- EURES assistance for mobility
- Useful websites for moving around Europe
- How about volunteering?
Have you ever considered that you could work as an engineer in Norway, or as a nurse in Italy, or be a physiotherapist in France, a teacher in the United Kingdom or a webmaster in Ireland? Does that sound strange or unattainable? These opportunities exist, would you like to take advantage of them?
But... Where and how to begin?
Europe is a market that is open to the mobility of its professionals and EURES can help you if your job search and experience go beyond borders, so, why not start by talking to us?
If your goal is Europe or is in Europe, EURES can help you.
When beginning a professional career, European Union graduates have the opportunity to consider the European Economic Area as a single job market that offers multiple opportunities, if you have a series of key skills, such as for example, one or more other European languages.
However, this interesting option requires preparation and seeking precise information, as it is more difficult than looking for a job in your own country. We will have to search in a different language, and from a different cultural perspective.
EURES is a cooperation network between the public employment services in Europe. It provides information on the job market and on job opportunities, on the lifestyle in other countries, professional guidance and job offers. In Spain, EURES is part of the public employment services of the Autonomous Communities, coordinated by the National Public Employment Service (SEPE).
The portal: opens the door to the European job market.
When we start thinking about the possibility of having a work experience in another European country hundreds of questions pop up: Will I be able to work in that country with my university degree? Is there work in my profession in other European countries? In which ones? Am I ready for an independent life far away from home? What minimum income do I need to live in the country I am interested in? Could I find an internship plan? What happens if I need health care in that country? And what about my Social Security contributions? Would I be able to find a short-term summer job as a first step?
EURES can help you find useful information that will help you to decide.
EURES, the network of European public employment services provides a series of services and information that can be very useful to making your dreams of living and working in another European country come true.
Links of interest
Information, guidance and support in your search for international employment:
Information on the European job market
You can find updated information on the portal and the Advisers network throughout Europe on the job market situation and the requirements for accessing a job in the various community countries. The job market situation is not the same in all of Europe, EURES provides guidance on the possible professional outlets for your qualifications in other countries.
Professional guidance
A job search requires the ideal tools. In addition to a proper level of language proficiency to perform your job, you will need advice in preparing your job search strategy, adapting your CV and using the most suited intermediaries and systems to find a job in the country that you are interested in.
Living and working conditions
An international mobility project requires gathering prior information on the living and working conditions in the destination country: administration procedures, living costs, culture, social security coverage, labour legislation, the educational system, professional associations or social codes.
Do not leave your country without having received guidance at EURES on these aspects.
Professional recognition
Many professions linked to university degrees are regulated by law in countries of the community and access to them requires a procedure called “professional recognition”.
You can find information on EURES on whether your profession is regulated or not in your destination country, the agency that performs the professional recognition and the procedure to be followed.
Job offers
The European public employment services make job offers available on the EURES portal. The section “Find a job” contains a database with thousands of offers. Searches can be conducted by profession or by skills.
You can also create a “My EURES” account and attach your CV, which will allow you to receive job offers directly to your email and your CV can be seen by employers all over Europe.
Each offer states how to apply for the job and the contact address to call or send the CV, which should usually be written in the language of the destination country.
Selection processes in Spain
EURES organises calls to cover positions in sectors such as tourism, teaching, health care or engineering, here and in other countries. These processes have great advantages, one of them being that the selection is done in our country. These calls are published on the EURES Spain website.
In many European countries, in addition to your university degree, your competences and skills will be taken into consideration: if you can efficiently communicate verbally and in writing, if you have a good attitude to work as a team, if you can resolve problems on your own, if you are a person who is creative, organised, decisive...
It is important to consider what your strong and weak points are regarding work, in order to establish a search strategy, a path that will lead you to the goal that you have set.
Another important point is to have clear ideas on the type of work or profession that you would like to be in, in order to establish a road map with short-, medium- and long-term attainable goals.
You will probably be able to find at your university labour guidance services specialising in university graduates, who will be able to help you.
First of all, we must make it clear that there are no international or European degrees. Although progress is being made to facilitate international mobility and recognise degrees, there are no degrees or diplomas that are automatically valid throughout Europe.
Some certificates, such as the International Baccalaureate, an internationally-recognised Secondary Education diploma, may be recognised in several countries. But it is an individual decision of each State.
However, some institutions in Europe and outside of Europe have developed programs with agencies from other countries for their students to obtain double certification or shared certification. This way students receive diplomas that are valid in more than one country.
The Bologna Process and the creation of the European Higher Education Area are an initiative leading towards reconciling the educational structures, increasing the transparency of the educational system and the equivalence of certifications, but their goal is not the creation of international certifications.
This system is based on three stages: Degree, Master’s and PhD, and on the relevance of acquiring competences, in other words, the set of knowledge, capabilities, attitudes and skills necessary to perform a certain task.
In short, if you intend to continue your studies or certify your Spanish degree in another European country, you should gather information on this aspect.
The ENIC-NARIC Network of the Ministry of Education provides information on the academic and professional recognition of your degree in other European countries.
Links of interest
- ENIC-NARIC Network: information on academic and professional recognition
- Professions regulated by countries
- Recognition of degrees obtained in the European Union to practise an profession
- Processing degrees: issue, accreditation, certification, equivalence, recognition and validation
- Search for opportunities
If you are thinking of completing your training, this is a good time to consider studying in another country and in another language.
The section on learning of the EURES Portal contains a search engine for training centres suited to your degree in the various European Union countries.
For further information on education systems and exchanges within the community, we recommend you visit the PLOTEUS portal.
This is a useful tool for finding information on how to study in Europe and the possibilities of ongoing learning: Learning Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe - European Commission.
There are many European internship programs that most Spanish universities participate in. You will find information on these programs at your university’s guidance and employment services.
Europass is a system that helps present your personal skills and qualifications in a simple and easily understandable manner for all of Europe.
If you intend to register in an educational or training program in another country, to look for employment or perform an internship abroad, Europass will help your representative to have a clear idea of your training and experience.
Basic documents:
- The Europass Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- The Europass Language Passport, which the interested party can self-assess;
Complementary documents:
- The Europass Diploma Supplement
- The Europass Higher Diploma Supplement
- The Europass Mobility document.
The Europass system is based on a network of National Europass Centres. The Europass Centre website in Spain is the Spanish Service for Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE).
You will find all of the information on Europass at this link.
There is an instrument for researcher mobility, in order to promote research in Europe.
If this is your profile, you will find information on the various European countries at
The community institutions choose staff for their different services, both with a permanent and temporary nature.
The European Personnel Selection Office, EPSO, provides information on call openings, requirements, etc.
Visit to see the job offers in the European Union
Additionally, many community institutions offer professional internships, stages, traineeships, etc.
Many European students take advantage of the summer vacation to experience life in another European country, while working at temporary jobs in agriculture, hospitality, entertainment, etc. An interesting chance to get to know another country and acquire skills that may be highly considered in their professional future. You will find further information on our document “Working in Summer”.
Your first EURES job
This is a project to provide financial support for youths between 18 and 35 who are seeking employment in an EU country other than their country of residence and for companies interested in hiring young workers from other EU countries, Norway and Iceland. You can receive financial support to attend an interview in another country, travel expenses if you get a job for at least 6 months, recognition of qualifications and a language course.
European Solidarity Corps
This is a European Union initiative that aims to create opportunities for young people to work as volunteers or to collaborate on projects in their own countries or abroad, that benefit communities and citizens from all over Europe.
You can find all of the information on this help on the National Public Employment Service website, at Your First EURES Job.
- ERYCA is the European Youth Information and Counselling Agency; among its activities is the promotion and information for the mobility of young people in Europe.
- Universia
- AIESEC in Spain
- Spanish Service for Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE)
- Autonomous Agency European Educational Programs Educativos Europeos
- Eurodysee program of the European Comittee of the Regions
- Iagora
- Europlacement
- Eurograduate
Other websites
- Young Germany
- Germany Programa Mobi-Pro
- Germany - Stellenanzeigen
- German Academic Exchange Service
- Austria
- Bélgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Slovenia
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- France
- Greece
- Netherlands
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Norway
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- United Kingdom
- United Kingdom
- Sweden
- Switzerland
The European Voluntary Service is a learning experience within non-formal education, where skills are improved or acquired for personal, educational and professional development, as well as for social integration.
Volunteers carry out their volunteer activities in a country other than their country of residence. This non-paid and non-profit activity is performed full-time for a certain period, in benefit of the community.
The European Youth portal contains specific information on studying, working and volunteering for youths.
And remember that the initiative “Youth on the move” is contained within the Europe 2020 strategy, which aims to promote job and education mobility for young people in Europe. Follow the dates and deadlines at: