Traducción automática
El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
Incompatibilities and causes of suspension and termination of the right
In this section you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about the inconsistencies and causes of suspension and termination of the right to benefit or unemployment allowance:
- Collection of allowance 52 now, will certainly draw exact it when it reaches the age for jubilarme in advance?
- Drawing unemployment allowance and adopted the widow's pension, and what should i do.
- I asked for unemployment and started to work before you begin to collect how am i going to pay and how is my provision? Do i have to communicate my placement?
- May I resume unemployment between short-term contracts?
- DO YOU While the unemployment allowance or, i make some collaboration on radio, newspapers, conferences, etc. i pay?
- Why cases can extinguish my unemployment?
- What are compatible unemployment benefits?
- Why can suspend causes unemployment?
- What situations are incompatible with unemployment and unemployment benefit?
- Will I unemployed and upon reaching the age for jubilarme?
- Payment of unemployment, what happens if i reject an offer of employment or training courses on the grounds that the study or to take care of my child?
- Collection provision/unemployment financial benefit, do i have to suspend them if i make work included in the agricultural capacity of the Special Social security?
- Collection unemployment can i keep simultaneously two part-time contracts? What would be the amount and duration of my benefit?
- I am a person worker broken sets, when can i choose to resume the rate of unemployment that i have not completed or apply for a new one?
- DO Cobraré unemployment allowance or if i have actions or shares in a corporation which does not perform any activity?
- May I take unemployment and sign a contract not mercenary listed to Social security and rewards only through commissions?
- Is It compatible with the unemployment cash assistance subsistence allowance as an adviser or counsellor to the board of a society?
- Gaining a disability pension, may i take unemployment at the same time, if i have lost their jobs and have sufficient contributions?
- I entered prison, may i continue to claim unemployment benefits? Can You collect my spouse for me?
- What situations are incompatible with agricultural income?
- Is It compatible drawing unemployment and perform work in a workshop on employment?
- What situations are compatible and incompatible with the unemployment allowance system agrarian Special Social security?
- Becoming unemployed or grant, may i take part in joint programmes on employment and training of the workshop schools and houses?
- May I take the unemployed and the member of a Local Corporation with partial or full-time?
- After a part-time job recovery unemployment. If i part-time place, May i further take? What should i do?